The Strawberry

The Drop-9

This one was a little difficult as I did not have an assistant tonight, which brings up the fact that I really need to get a remote for my new camera …..  shhhh, don’t tell the hubby!!  I have done the whole strawberry drop, but something just told me to give it a try tonight and I am glad I did.  Might have looked a little better if I had cleaned the glass off after the last drop, but oh well, lesson learned.  That is the point of this blog right, learning lessons about photography.

Last night I was just beside myself with excitement over some of my achievements, well let me tell you, it carried that feeling into today.  I felt so engerized today and while I did not get as much done as I would have liked,  down deep I feel I have this, I can do these things ….. I CAN COMPLETE MY TO DO LIST!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Now, I need to talk about something I saw today while out getting our kitties their supply of food and snacks (yes, snacks, they are very spoiled, don’t you judge me).  So this very nice lady came in and said she was picking up an order she placed on-line, when the gentleman returned he had a cart full of cat litter, like at least 10 of those buckets.  Well I asked if she ran an animal shelter and she said she was donating them to the shelter.  Wow, how awesome is that and inspiring, I need to be more generous, I was just blown away!!! Anyway, I will be thinking about this for a while.

Good night beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile!!


The Duo

The Two-5

Even thought I knew I would be busy this evening with my small group meeting, I failed to work on the picture before I left, so I crammed it into a few minutes when I arrived home.  I was in such a hurry I didn’t check the counter, so please forgive the spots on the counter and I did not use a background.

You know I was thinking how this blog has helped me with my procrastination, at least as far as this blog is concerned, with the exception of one evening I have taken a photo and completed this blog since January 4.  At first I was thinking, yes I have completed this blog, but it really hasn’t helped me with everything else in my life.  Then I had to stop and realize that it doesn’t matter if anything else has been effected, because for one hundred and fifty-three days I have picked up my camera, taken a picture and written on this blog.  This is a huge accomplishment for me …… HUGE!!!! Of course it’s not all about the procrastination, but I have kept my focus on this blog and I am actually completing something. Wait, my procrastination, my lack of focus and my inability to complete a task …. check, check, check, this is much bigger than I thought!!!! I am feeling like a rock star right now!!! Now, after all that, I am pretty tired.

Good night beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Waterball

The Waterball

Today while cleaning I happened upon something that I thought might be interesting to capture and I am happy to say that the results are extremely pleasing.

As I sit here tonight, I have so many thoughts going through my head, but I will choose to focus my thoughts on how I really do care for people, how I will love other people, how I will not be what others think me to be.  I am a child of God, which mean I will love others before myself, I will not harm them and I will honor God with my actions when dealing with them.  This my friends is who I will be, the person God needs me to be, so this week I will be focusing more on Him, turning to Him for guidance and trusting Him with it all.

Good night beautiful friends, have a fabulous week full of love and caring.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and always smile!!!

The Spray

The Spray-4

Oh look, the water shot is back again.  I just find photographing water so very interesting.  The camera is so quick, the water moves so fluidly, so between the two it can produce some very interesting shots.

Another week has passed by, another Friday is upon us and despite the fact that I am wishing my life away, I am so happy the week is done!!!!! Yesterday was all about disrespectful folks, well today let’s talk about the good.   Today I was very fortunate to be around some respectful students (yes ma’am, no ma’am), it was a great day, it’s nice to know that manners do still exist and some still use them.  This day reminds me that we still have some good folks out there, it was a good day.

Good night beautiful friends!!!! Remember to be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile!!!

The Clear

The Clear

Okay, so not a stretch on this one, but I am a little tired and just went for something quick and easy.  Look for the glass to reappear at a later date, I do have other ideas, but this was available so I just went for it.

I think it’s a wonderful thing to do for others, not only does it helps the person, but gives you a good feeling as well.   Of course giving us that ‘good feeling’ shouldn’t be the reason we do help others, but because they are in need of something.  This need can come in many forms, but it’s not what you do that counts, but how you do it, meaning that it comes from the heart.  Yes my friends, kindest goes a long way in this world and we should be spreading it more often.

Good night beautiful friends!!! Remember, to be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile!!! 🙂

The Spray


The Sprayer-2

I seem to have several obsessions when it comes to my photography, water being one of them.  I just love the interesting ways the camera captures the water. This photo is of water coming out of a sprayer.

As I pondered what I would photograph tonight I realized I haven’t really been boarding my horizons as of late.  If I am going to expand my photography skills I must, MUST, do something challenging. I have a few ideas up my sleeve and will be working on those this week.  At least I am getting more familiar with my camera and have learned what not to do, so that is something.  You must stay tuned to see if I have any exciting and challenging photos to post later.  I think I was just in a photographers block (like writers block, if that is possible) and hopefully that has passed, at least for the time being.

So there you have it, another photo, a challenge to me and I have written more than I have the past few nights.

The Lemons

The Lemons-4

This picture was kind of fun, was really going for more of a complete drop in the water, but liked how this one came out, it’s pretty cool. It was difficult to hold the light, take the picture and drop the lemons all at the same time, but I did it.  I think I might check into getting something to hold the light, sometimes I don’t always get the light in the right location and have to retake the photo.

We made it through Wednesday, woo hoo!!!  Certain events happen to help you realize the important things in life, like the fact you are alive and grateful for the many blessings you have in your life.  I have had an eye-opening week, one for which made me grateful for the many blessings I have received and the second for the my life and that of my loved ones.  Life is so short and I need to remember to be grateful for everyday and everything I have been blessed with in this life.

Good night beautiful friends!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile!!!!

The Swirl

The Swirl

So I did it again, I really need to inspect my props before I start photographing, when will I learn!!!! (yes, this deserves lots of exclamation points)  In any case there it is, with all its imperfections and all.

Do you ever just feel so on edge everything just makes you mad, then something else happens and the wham!!! you are close to a melt down.  Then you are extremely lucky enough to work with two wonderfully kind and gentle folks who help calm you and get you back on track, plus I learned a thing or two in the process.  Well we are so lucky to have these spectacular folks in are lives and today I am feeling an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness tonight!!!

So from my grateful heart to yours, good night beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep in positive and smile!!!!

The Splash

The Splash

I am a little late getting this post done for tonight, but at least it is getting done.  I have this fascination with water, so ta-da, it’s a water shot.  I still have a couple of ideas, but I will still be working on those shots, so stayed tune.

You always hope and pray that your children will not have any of your bad habits.  Do children inherit procrastination for their parents?  Unfortunately, my son is a procrastinator and I am so upset, poor kid, if possible to inherit this characteristic, he definitely got is from me.   I told him to work on it NOW!!!!! Fortunately, I believe this blog has helped me with my procrastination, well except tonight (hence the late hour in getting this post completed).   I, my friends, is so tired and think I will call it a night.

I was also blessed today by a teacher at a school I worked at today.  I had indicated that this week has been a rough week for me (which I should not have said) and her class made it so much better.  Later, I received a gift of chocolate with a very lovely note and a scripture.  I felt so very blessed by her kindness, it was just what I needed.

That’s it, so Good Night beautiful friends!! Be a blessing and be blessed.

The Smokin’ Glass

I have this fascination with smoke, well photographing it anyway and so tonight’s picture involves smoke.

Tonight was a great kind of night …. I spent the evening with my wonderful son, whom I love with all my heart and his lovely girlfriend, whom I just met tonight.  How can I be the age I am (let’s not talk about the exact age) and still get nervous meeting new people.  Luckily I had my sister-in-law there who asked some good questions of her …. you know the kind, where did you grow up, where did you graduate, etc.  I was completely drawing a blank, maybe I didn’t want to say anything that could upset her, which in turn would upset my son (did I mention I love him with all my heart?) and this is the last thing I wanted to do.  I am so happy for this kid of mine, I just cannot contain myself.  He was a joy to raise and such a joy to see him grow into the man he is today.  Yes, tonight was a great kind of night!!!!

So as I stated in the beginning, I really love photographing smoke, so after a few shots of nothingness, I came up with the photo tonight.  I am not so impressed with the lighting, but this is a blog to help in my drive to learn more and more about photography.

The Smokin' Glass

It’s amazing what the camera pick’s up, man I need to clean the sheet I use or maybe I need better glasses, because I did not see all that cat hair while I was photographing.  Maybe since I have at least two cats in the house for the last twenty something years, I just cannot really see the cat hair unless magnified.  Is that even a thing? After that last thought, it seems it is time to say so long for the night.

Good Night beautiful friends!!!