Aayla in the Sky


Okay, so with this blog I have a couple goals, first to improve my photography skills and second, to gain more knowledge in Photoshop.  Above is my first attempt at background replacement, some out there will say this is easy, but it’s my first attempt and I am wanting to learn something new.

I think I should always be learning something, but I’m going to be honest, I am a procrastinator and plus, if the learning is difficult or hard (as I am not the sharpest tool in the shed) I can get pretty lazy.  This is why I call myself the lazy procrastinator, so anything I can get accomplished in day, well that is a celebration in my house.  So as you can image, I am thrilled and yes, celebrating.

Good day/evening my beautiful friends.


Here’s Aayla


I was trying for a framing of our girl with the lights, not bad, but I need to work on it a little. I was actually trying for something else, but shouldn’t wouldn’t come closer to me, pretty sure she was just being stubborn.

I have so many high hopes with my photography, so stay tuned.  When time allows I would like to have some fun with Photoshop,  ideas are forming my friends so stayed tune and hope my lazy procrastinator side does not derail me.

I’m starting again

Hello friends!!!

I have not really posted a current picture in while, as I have been working on other projects, at least that’s what I like to tell myself, however, the reality is this ….. I am a procrastinator, who when the going gets tough, I get lazy, so you could call me the lazy procrastinator. I have decided that I shall stop the madness, I have dusted off my camera and plan on getting back to doing what I love, so here is my first picture ….


Our little Josephine being all cute. 

So there you have it my friends, a reboot on A Daily Photo blog, it may not be daily or maybe the photo won’t be done daily, but let’s just take it one day at a time.

Another Day


Here it is, day number four, my lazy procrastinating side says  …. You go girl!!! The negative side of me says, hmmmm, on second thought I think I will not let that part say a word, let’s just keep moving forward.

Okay, I have so many thoughts going through my head right now from over thinking to letting folks get to you, by the words they say and the attitude behind them. I have done this more than once in my life and sometimes I think it’s not even their attitude, but maybe my attitude, you know my own overthinking making it worse, pretty sure I have done this a few times.  Once again, I am talking about overthinking and over analyzing, which I know I do often.  So the next time you feel you have been treated poorly, just stop, breath and think before you let their attitude effect your attitude.

If that doesn’t’ make you feel better, try viewing this cute dog and butterfly, this will sure to bring a smile to your face.


That’s all for tonight folks, not much, but hey I posted another day and I will continue to bring this blog to the height I am striving for, so many quotes come to mind right now, but let’s save that for another day.

Good night, afternoon or morning, whichever the case maybe for you.  Keep it positive, stop over thinking and just smile.