Today is 01.08.2020


I have this thing about photographing water and this morning while I was cleaning, the water was just yelling at me to grab my camera, so I did.  This was the most fascinating of them, but be on the look out for more with water, because I have yet to get my fill of photography water in my kitchen sink. Hope you found that funny, because that was supposed to be funny!!! lol

The Drop


I once again am back to the water, I do love to photographer water.  I did get some ideas from this endeavor, so look for more water photos soon.

Today I was in a mood, feeling not quite myself or maybe truly myself, just unable to control my feelings.  I prayed, listened to music and then I thought …  I shouldn’t let my mood control my actions and this worked for the most part, unfortunately I did have a moment when my rudeness escaped, but luckily it was one moment and I was forgiven.  It really is hard not to let your current circumstances control your mood, being anxious or just completely freaking out.  I have no others words for tonight, I am tired and just need to close my eyes.

Good Night beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Twirl

The Twirl-4

I thought of this one a few days ago when I had bought some flowers.  I think it turned out pretty cool.  So yes I am please with this one.

This afternoon while driving home I had many thoughts roaming around in my head.  The first and foremost was how my life was going.  To say that I am pleased with how things are going would be a stretch, although I am not sad I am a little disappointed.  The sad part is that all the disappointment lays with me.  I feel I could be so much more, a better photographer and a better writer, if I would just do something about it.  I sit around and think how I wish I was better at these things, however, I fail to take charge and do something about any of it.  So I am making a conscious effort to do just that, improve myself, especially in my photographer and writing, through action, that is truly the only one can improve themselves.  So watch out, I am on the move, well at least thinking about making that move(I do the thinking part really well, lol).

With all this moving and action I will be doing I must get my rest, wait maybe that’s why I get nothing done … too much rest. ha  Good Night my beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Slash

The Water_-2

Here you have it, another water photo.  I have decided that I need to move myself to open my horizons when it comes to taking photos.  I have learned a lot, but lately I have not really put much thought into them, just taking a picture of whatever and sometimes it feels like I have done it all before, you know same old same old.  So without really committing myself, I shall try to reach into the depths of my photography part of my brain and come up with something different and new.  With that, I will cut this short and bid you all a good evening.

Good Night beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Drop

The Drop-11

I have tried to be positive with my photos lately, however tonight I will be a little negative.  This one is not my favorite on so many levels, but I will say I learned what not to do next time.  So I guess it is kind of positive since I did learn from this experience.

I really do like hugs, if it was socially acceptable I would hug more, but some folks aren’t really the hugging type.  Sometimes a really good hug can melt away the woes of the day, a squeeze so tight you know that there is love it that hug.  Well, anyway so another piece of the puzzle that makes up me, that weird person who likes to hug. Oh and one more thing, I hate my hand, it is not very photogenic. lol

Good night beautiful friends.  Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Spray

The Water-4

Okay, so this one isn’t a wow picture, but it turned out pretty good since I did not have an assistant, so I had to hold the hose, make sure the lens focused on the water and take the picture.  I had to work for this one, so yes I really like this one.

Since water is the subject of the picture, let’s talk about water, you know H20.  I love photographing water, of all kinds … out of the facet, out of the hose, rain, waterfalls, streams and even pools.  Water is so fascinating to me,  they way it flows, it’s so pure and clean.  I love to use both a fast shutter speed to stop the water in its tracks, it looks crisp and a slow shutter speed to show the motion of water, it’s a silky white blur.  If you look back through my photos this year, you will see lots of cats and lots of water shots.  So look for more water shots and of course cats.  Now, go drink some water or maybe this post will make you need to visit the nearest restroom. lol

Good night beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile!!

The Pour

The Pour-2

I arrived home a little later than I planned and I just didn’t feel up to going outside to photograph (but another night sky picture is coming and I have the perfect subject to discuss when I do).

The best thing I have to say tonight is …. I have hope!! Hope for a better day tomorrow (not that today was bad), hope that I will be better tomorrow (not that I was bad today, however, I do have my days when I am not at my best), I have hope of forgiveness ….  I.HAVE.HOPE!!!

Good Night beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep positive and smile.

The Candle

The Candle-2

So here I am again, so thankful I remember.  I was looking for something interesting to photograph and you know see the results.  I really need to try to expand my photos  and think outside the box more.  I will work on this and soon we shall see how much talent lies within me.

This morning I went in a different directions with my thoughts, so I decided I would post what I had planned to post in the first place. I always go back to God’s word, that is where my confidence comes from, however having confidence should not be confused with arrogance, which is indeed wrong and it is a fine line between the two.   I believe confidence in ones shelf comes from God, strength to so the things you fear the most and knowing that strength comes from God.  Arrogance comes for the enemy, is makes you believe you are better than others, which is never the case.  You may do something better than others, but that does not make you better and you should never treat others this way.  You have to guard yourself against this behavior, as the enemy likes to instill this in you as away to separate us from each other.  We must make allowance for others and forgive them when this behavior sneaks in to our friends lives (and ourselves) and pray for them. We must not judge to harshly, as we ourselves have sin that is unbecoming of a Christian, as the Bibles tells us, not one of us is perfect.  As we are not to judge others harshly, don’t judge yourself to harshly when you do things that are not Christ like, when others may hold this against you, you must not let this bring you down. Remember, Jesus does forgive us, but we must take steps to insure that this behavior does not make another appearance.

Good Evening beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.


The Vase and it’s shadow

The Vase

Since I started this blog in January, there was only one time I did not post a picture that evening and that was because I was sick and simply did not care. One time that is until last night.  For the first time since January, I simply forgot, I mean I did do the picture early in the day and then went out and when I arrived home I just forgot all about my blog.  I was in bed when I remembered and well I was just to tired to even consider doing my blog.

I went to my small group Bible study last night and it had a little bit of an effect on me and perhaps that is why I forgot about my blog.  I did have this nice little piece I had already written out to speak about, but after the meeting last night I think I will go in a different direction.  During the meeting last night I had some very interesting thoughts that pertain to the people in my life and how they may see me.  At times, I am a fine example of a like Christ being (well at least I hope), but I started thinking about other times.  When people deal with me, ‘Do they see the light of Christ in me?’, unfortunately my answer is simply ‘no’. I usually blame others, because they cannot accept me for my short comings and it really doesn’t matter what caused this behavior that is not showing the light of Christ, it just matters that I let it happen.  I know we cannot be perfect, as Christ is the only perfect being, but I simply need to let others see Christ in me as much as possible and I do not do this enough, for me it’s just that simple.  That’s my thoughts for today.

Well you can look forward to another blog post later this evening (that is, if I don’t forget again).  Good afternoon beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.

The Running Water

The Water-3

So I have here a water photo, I really love photographing water, plus I have been in a little bit of a slump lately as far as coming up with things to photograph, but fear not I will try to expand my brain and come up with some interesting things.

Sometimes when you hear the message at church you feel as though it was meant just for you, that is the case yesterday. I struggle with liking myself and I often feel unworthy, but the message yesterday helped me to see that God’s love is unconditionally. Yes I have my issues, but God is there to help me through them, not judging me because of them nor do these issues separate me from Him. I also have a wonderful church family and friends who help me through my struggles as well, reminding me who I am is good enough. I think some do see my issues and judge, while others may see my issues, they know that is not who I am, they value the best parts of me and remind me of those good things. I was once again feeling overwhelmed by the bad when God reminded me, though others, of the good!!

Good night beautiful friends!!! Remember, be a blessing and be blessed, keep it positive and smile.